Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
Gears 5 Hivebusters Expansion and Gears 5: Game of the Year Edition to release next week Chad Goodmurphy Gaming December 8, 2020 0Attention members of the COG! Gears 5 will soon receive a story-driven expansion, and will do so on December 15th....
Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, Gears Tactics & Sea of Thieves are being updated for Series X Chad Goodmurphy Gaming July 23, 2020 0Like Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Microsoft exclusives Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, Gears Tactics and Sea of...
80% Gears Tactics Review Brent Botsford Gaming May 17, 2020 0When the original Gears of War first graced the Xbox 360, all the way back in 2006, it was all about tactical...
Gears Tactics Launch Preview Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming March 27, 2020 0We had the opportunity to get a new preview of The Coalition’s upcoming Gears Tactics, the turn-based strategy game based in...
83% Gears 5 Review Brent Botsford Gaming November 12, 2019 0After acquiring the Gears of War IP from Epic Games at the turn of this console generation, Microsoft groomed new studio, The...
Gears of War 5 gets a Kait specific cinematic trailer Chad Goodmurphy Gaming August 19, 2019 0Along with news regarding its Horde mode and crossover multiplayer characters, Gears of War 5 has also debuted a brand...
The Coalition reveals all-new Gears of War 5 Horde mode; new Halo: Reach character pack Chad Goodmurphy Gaming August 19, 2019 0Gears of War 5 made its gamescom presence known today, with details regarding an all-new Horde mode, as well as...
Microsoft reveals Gears of War 5 themed Xbox One bundles, plus 2TB & 5TB Seagate Game Drives Chad Goodmurphy Gaming August 6, 2019 0Just over one month remains before Gears of War 5 will take on the Swarm. In preparation, Microsoft has announced...
Gears of War 5 will release in early September, will include new mode and Terminator crossover Chad Goodmurphy E3 2019 June 9, 2019 0Gears of War 5 will be released on September 10th, but those with interest can play four days early. How?...
Gears of War 5 promises an entirely new adventure starring Kait Chad Goodmurphy E3 2018 June 10, 2018 0Microsoft and The Coalition are teaming up to bring Gears of War back in a big way. The highlight of...