Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
Roberto Orci directing Star Trek 3 Brent Botsford Entertainment May 14, 2014 0After J.J. Abrams was wooed away by Disney and LucasFilm to direct next year’s Star Wars Episode VII, the question...
Pacific Rim Review Brent Botsford Entertainment August 7, 2013 1Like the titular destroyers of its genre namesake, the monster movie is slowly creeping forth to make its grand comeback,...
Star Trek Into Darkness Review Brent Botsford Entertainment June 12, 2013 1Back in 2009, J.J. Abrams did the impossible; He made a Star Trek movie reboot that was true to the...
Star Trek into Darkness beaming into Xbox Video this Summer Brent Botsford Entertainment June 3, 2013 0Worried that you’ll miss Star Trek into Darkness due to a busy Summer schedule? Perhaps you just couldn’t get enough...
The 2013 Eggplante! Summer Movie Guide Brent Botsford Entertainment May 4, 2013 0Iron Man 3 has just come to the big screen, and you know what that means; The Summer movie season...
Star Wars 1313 reportedly on hold Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming March 4, 2013 0We feel a disturbance in the force....
J.J. Abrams to direct Star Wars Episode VII? Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 24, 2013 0Woah. Okay, so strap yourselves in for this one. Nothing is officially official or anything, but it appears that J.J....
JJ Abrams hosts special Star Trek Into Darkness screening for cancer patient Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 5, 2013 0Stories like this make us so proud to be nerds. J.J. Abrams, perhaps one of the biggest nerds on the...