PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming November 27, 2012 2Sony has been receiving a lot of flack for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, namely for seeming to rip off Nintendo’s...
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune is a card game for the Vita Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming November 27, 2012 0Launching in just over a week, Fight for Fortune is a card-based strategy game based in the Uncharted universe. According to Sony’s...
PlayStation Plus goes portable: Vita now a must-buy Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming November 14, 2012 0Starting November 19th, there will be no reason not to own a PlayStation Vita....
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming November 3, 2012 0Assassin’s Creed has never been on a portable console before. Now, we realize that Altair’s Chronicles, Bloodlines, as well as...
Rockstar to unveil more Grand Theft Auto V details soon Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming October 27, 2012 0It seems like announcing an announcement has become quite the trend. It kind of just happened when people realized that...
New Little King’s Story Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming October 20, 2012 0As we predicted, a lot of console titles are making the jump to the PS Vita for their sequels. Coming...
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming October 6, 2012 0LittleBigPlanet is back in a whole new – yet somehow, the same – way on PlayStation Vita. With the latest...
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming June 27, 2012 0The great thing about remakes is that you sort of know exactly what you’re getting. In some cases, that’s a...
Booth Tour: Sony Christopher Kalanderopoulos Booth Tours June 13, 2012 0Sony, by our estimation, had one of the busiest booths at E3 even though it seemed like the smallest. Walking...
Resistance: Burning Skies Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming June 2, 2012 0This game has managed to pop into our radar more than a few times. We first saw it at Sony’s...