Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
Square Enix surprise releases Final Fantasy Adventure remake for PlayStation Vita today Brent Botsford Gaming June 28, 2016 0If you weren’t aware, this year marks the fifteenth anniversary of Square Enix’s series of Mana action-RPG’s. In fact, today, June 28th,...
PSX 2015: Yakuza 5 arrives this Tuesday, Yakuza Zero officially releasing in North America Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0PlayStation has made a concentrated effort to, “Grow the list” recently, whereupon they gauge fan feedback for the kind of...
Sony has revealed their PLAY 2015 indie game promotion lineup Brent Botsford Gaming July 14, 2015 0UPDATE: It’s been discovered that some are unable to pre-order Journey for PlayStation 4 before it launches next week. If this...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: Extreme Exorcism Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 21, 2015 0Extreme Exorcism is ridiculous! It truly lives up to its name, being an arcade-style romp that’s all about shooting up ghosts…...
E3 2015 Hands-on Impressions: forma.8 Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 19, 2015 0forma.8 is incredibly immersive, which is pretty impressive when one considers its lowly hero. The game is an open-ended adventure-style game...
Sony’s studios have no big games in development for PS Vita Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 17, 2015 0Sony rather conspicuously didn’t even really bother to bring up their struggling PlayStation Vita handheld during this year’s PlayStation conference....
PSXP: Yakuza 5 will come to the West in 2015 Brent Botsford Gaming December 7, 2014 0Sega’s made some pretty shaky mis-steps lately, particularly with the most recent Sonic Boom game debacle. If there’s one modern...
PSXP: EA offering three free PlayStation games this weekend only Brent Botsford Gaming December 6, 2014 0EA took to the stage at PlayStation Experience today not to talk about upcoming games, but instead to simply show...
PSXP: Suikoden II finally comes to the PlayStation Store next week Brent Botsford Gaming December 6, 2014 0The wait for one of the most celebrated and underplayed PlayStation RPG’s of all time, Suikoden II to finally come...
77% Infamous: First Light Review Brent Botsford Gaming October 21, 2014 0Earlier this year, I declared Infamous: Second Son to be the best launch window exclusive for Sony’s next-gen PlayStation 4 in Eggplante’s...