Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
PSX 2015: Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom announced Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was one of the most beloved third-party exclusives to hit the PlayStation...
PSX 2015: Ace Combat 7 announced for PlayStation 4, will feature VR support Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0One of the lesser-known, but undeniably loved Bandai Namco game properties is Ace Combat, a flight simulator series that is...
PSX 2015: Ratchet & Clank remake gets release date Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0If you’re looking forward to next year’s remake of the original Ratchet & Clank game, then good news! The release...
PSX 2015: MLB 16: The Show announced for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0In one of the PlayStation Experience keynote’s more predictable announcements this year, Sony San Diego unveiled the next installment in...
PSX 2015: Yakuza 5 arrives this Tuesday, Yakuza Zero officially releasing in North America Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0PlayStation has made a concentrated effort to, “Grow the list” recently, whereupon they gauge fan feedback for the kind of...
PSX 2015: Double Fine is making a Psychonauts game for PlayStation VR Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0It seems like only yesterday that Psychonauts was a forgotten classic in the Double Fine catalogue, doomed to be loved, but never...
PSX 2015: Double Fine is remastering classic LucasArts adventure game, Full Throttle Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0UPDATE: Double Fine has confirmed that Full Throttle: Remastered is also coming to PC at the same time as the...
PSX 2015: Final Fantasy VII remake reveals first gameplay details Brent Botsford Gaming December 5, 2015 0After its earth-shattering announcement during Sony’s E3 press briefing this year, the Final Fantasy VII remake popped up again as...
Street Fighter V gets release date, outlines additional character plans Brent Botsford Gaming October 28, 2015 0Despite controversially shirking the Xbox One in its entirety, Capcom’s upcoming fighting game, Street Fighter V has generated lots of positive buzz....