Tactical pirate RPG, Flint: Treasure of Oblivion, releases & gets a new trailer Gaming December 17, 2024
Nintendo Direct Roundup: March 2016 Brent Botsford Gaming March 4, 2016 0Just when you thought you knew what Nintendo had in store for their Nintendo 3DS and Wii U catalogues for...
80% Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures Review Brent Botsford Gaming July 27, 2015 0It must be simultaneously satisfying and terrifying to be an internet celebrity so renowned for ripping apart shitty games that...
Nintendo is allowing Wii U owners to sample nine indie games during E3 week Brent Botsford E3 2015 June 15, 2015 0Nintendo is continuing to allow those unable to attend E3 to get a slight taste of the show at home...
Nintendo announces Pushmo World for Wii U eShop Brent Botsford Gaming May 30, 2014 0Pushmo and its sequel, Crashmo are widely considered to be two of the very best games on the entire 3DS...
Nintendo offering Wii Sports Club, Wii Fit U trials on eShop Brent Botsford Gaming September 23, 2013 0Nintendo’s core gamer fanbase has been positively spoiled this year, between the numerous core gaming blockbusters that have released and...