Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
76% Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory Review Brent Botsford Gaming November 19, 2020 0When it comes to the enduring appeal of Square Enix’s and Disney’s Kingdom Hearts video game franchise, you either get it, or...
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory gets a wintry release date Chad Goodmurphy Gaming August 26, 2020 0Rhythm-action game, Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory, has received a wintry release date. Through press release means, Square Enix announced...
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a rhythm game Chad Goodmurphy Gaming June 17, 2020 0There’s been lots of talk about Square Enix’s unannounced Kingdom Hearts game. Now, thanks to this digital mini-E3 we’re having,...
Experience the entire Kingdom Hearts saga through Xbox Game Pass Chad Goodmurphy Games with Gold & GamePass June 11, 2020 0It wasn’t long ago when Kingdom Hearts III came to Game Pass, and became free-to-play for those who subscribe to...
Kingdom Hearts: All-In-One Package available now for PS4 Chad Goodmurphy Gaming March 17, 2020 0As people continue to find themselves stuck at home with little to do, Square Enix has released its previously advertised...
Kingdom Hearts: All-In-One Package heading to PS4 Chad Goodmurphy Gaming February 6, 2020 0Those who’ve yet to play any of the Kingdom Hearts games despite wanting to, will have a good opportunity to...
Does Kingdom Hearts III feel at home on Xbox One? (Hands-on Impressions) Brent Botsford Gaming September 1, 2018 0Square Enix’s fan-favourite Kingdom Hearts franchise has made itself at home on no shortage of modern gaming devices. While the series began...
Hands-on Impressions: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue Brent Botsford Gaming November 15, 2016 0Kingdom Hearts III continues to linger without a specific release window, though the Kingdom Hearts franchise will nonetheless be revisiting prior adventures some...
Square Enix announces Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix for PlayStation 4 Brent Botsford Gaming October 27, 2016 0The Kingdom Hearts series has infamously stalled in the lead-up to its third and climactic core chapter, Kingdom Hearts III, which will now be...
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 arrives this December, no Kingdom Hearts III at E3 Brent Botsford Gaming June 8, 2016 0Even if Square Enix isn’t hosting another proper press conference at this year’s E3, they still have no shortage of...