Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
82% Star Trek Beyond Review Brent Botsford Entertainment August 2, 2016 0Star Trek is observing its landmark 50th anniversary in 2016, and that already puts enough pressure on Star Trek Beyond, Paramount’s latest movie...
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer #2 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment April 16, 2015 0In the latest teaser for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, we see a bunch of familiar faces alongside some...
Star Trek 3 going into Deep Space (but not Nine) Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment June 26, 2014 0The next iteration of Star Trek will reportedly be heading into deeper space than the series has explored so far. In...
Godzilla director to helm first Star Wars spin-off Brent Botsford Entertainment May 24, 2014 0Fledgling director, Gareth Edwards has made a huge box office impact with his smash hit Godzilla reboot, which we were...
Roberto Orci directing Star Trek 3 Brent Botsford Entertainment May 14, 2014 0After J.J. Abrams was wooed away by Disney and LucasFilm to direct next year’s Star Wars Episode VII, the question...
Star Wars: Episode VII release scheduled for December 18, 2015 Erika Szabo Entertainment November 8, 2013 0Star Wars fans, rejoice! Yesterday Lucasfilm announced the release date for Episode VII of the new Star Wars trilogy despite there being a lot of...
Will Smith in talks for Star Wars: Episode VII? Brent Botsford Entertainment June 16, 2013 0Take this one with about a full-sized teaspoon of salt, but the internet has become abuzz with a rumour that...
Star Trek Into Darkness Review Brent Botsford Entertainment June 12, 2013 1Back in 2009, J.J. Abrams did the impossible; He made a Star Trek movie reboot that was true to the...
Star Trek into Darkness beaming into Xbox Video this Summer Brent Botsford Entertainment June 3, 2013 0Worried that you’ll miss Star Trek into Darkness due to a busy Summer schedule? Perhaps you just couldn’t get enough...