Nintendo officially announces Switch 2, releasing in 2025 Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 16, 2025
85% Castlevania: Season One Review Brent Botsford Entertainment July 10, 2017 0NOTE: Some minor spoilers for the first season of, “Castlevania” may be present in this review. That said, the review is...
Netflix announces Castlevania animated series, coming this year Brent Botsford Entertainment February 8, 2017 0Netflix had a busy day of announcements today, including confirming additional seasons for The OA and Love, along with declaring that Kate McKinnon will...
72% Hotel Transylvania 2 Review Brent Botsford Entertainment October 2, 2015 0The original Hotel Transylvania, which dropped in theatres during the sleepy September month of 2012 after a lengthy stint in...
53% Dracula Untold Review Brent Botsford Entertainment November 2, 2014 0Among the many movie studios that are eager to ape Marvel Studios’ highly successful Avengers formula, by introducing several separate movies, and...
Konami’s Pre-E3 Show Rundown Brent Botsford E3 2013 June 6, 2013 0Today, Konami gave a surprisingly early pre-E3 keynote, streamed via Gamespot. In this digital presentation, which mimes the style of...
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate Review Brent Botsford Gaming April 8, 2013 0Fans of Konami’s longstanding Castlevania franchise have had a tough pill to swallow since 2010. That was the year that...