Arrow villain set to appear on The Flash Brent Botsford Entertainment August 10, 2014 0Arrow and upcoming new series, The Flash will see their superhero leads working together in a crossover episode during the...
DC sets movie dates through 2020, moves up Batman v Superman! Brent Botsford Entertainment August 7, 2014 0One has to wonder why DC didn’t see fit to make this massive announcement at this year’s Comic-Con, but, nonetheless,...
Arrow to debut a Manhunter in third season Brent Botsford Entertainment August 4, 2014 0A very different kind of vigilante will find themselves in Starling City for Arrow’s upcoming third season. Medium’s David Cubitt...
Kelly Frye joins The Flash as DC’s Plastique Brent Botsford Entertainment July 30, 2014 0The CW’s upcoming DC Comics-inspired Arrow spin-off, The Flash has just added another new villain to its ranks. Rake’s Kelly...
SDCC 2014: Ra’s Al Ghul, Wildcat coming to Arrow for third season Brent Botsford Entertainment July 27, 2014 0UPDATE: Just a couple of days after DC announced the addition of Wildcat to Arrow for the upcoming third season, we...
SDCC 2014: Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman revealed! Brent Botsford Entertainment July 27, 2014 0Those anticipating the big screen debut of DC’s goddess of truth in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice got their...
Roy Harper to debut as Arsenal in Arrow’s third season Brent Botsford Entertainment July 23, 2014 0NOTE: Some minor to moderate spoilers for the events of Arrow’s second season are present in this article. After quite...
DC: Our movie and television universes are separate Brent Botsford Entertainment July 18, 2014 0It appears that DC Entertainment has finally set the record straight as to how their film and television universes intersect...
The Flash adds Captain Cold, The Rogues Brent Botsford Entertainment July 18, 2014 0At the TCA (Television Critics Association) today, it was revealed by The CW that The Flash would be introducing a...
86% The Wolf Among Us Review Brent Botsford Gaming July 11, 2014 0UPDATE: We have updated our review of The Wolf Among Us with two additional sections, addressing impressions of the belated releases...