85% Constantine 1.13: “Waiting for the Man” Review Brent Botsford Entertainment February 26, 2015 0NOTE: This episode of Constantine aired during a previous week, though our regular television reporter was indisposed at the time of...
Report: Team-up spin-off show planned for The CW’s DC Television Universe Brent Botsford Entertainment February 26, 2015 0NOTE: Be advised of a major Arrow spoiler involving a character’s death from the third season premiere in this article. ...
60% Constantine 1.11: “A Whole World Out There” Review Brent Botsford Entertainment February 1, 2015 0NOTE: Full spoilers for this episode of Constantine are present in this review Constantine has generally been a pretty strong show...
85% The Flash 1.11: “The Sound and the Fury” Review Brent Botsford Entertainment January 28, 2015 0NOTE: Full spoilers for this episode of The Flash are present in this review. Another key Flash Rogue made his...
84% Constantine 1.10: “Quid Pro Quo” Review Brent Botsford Entertainment January 25, 2015 0NOTE: Full spoilers for this episode of Constantine are present in this review. A big hitter from DC’s occult arm...
Glee’s Melissa Benoist will be CBS’ Supergirl Brent Botsford Entertainment January 22, 2015 0CBS has found its Kara Zor-El. Glee actress, Melissa Benoist has won the coveted part of the title character in CBS’ upcoming...
Tom Hardy has dropped out of DC’s Suicide Squad movie Brent Botsford Entertainment January 15, 2015 0UPDATE: Jake Gyllenhaal is reported to have passed on the role of Rick Flag, leaving the role vacant as the April...
CBS head shoots down Supergirl crossover potential Brent Botsford Entertainment January 12, 2015 0After the very exciting wave of press that came out of The CW at the Television Critics Assocation, namely regarding...
DC heroine, Vixen will join the DC Television Universe, in a most unexpected way Brent Botsford Entertainment January 11, 2015 0On the heels of plans being teased for a third live-action show set in The CW’s DC Television Universe, the...
The CW renews Arrow, The Flash and more for new seasons Brent Botsford Entertainment January 11, 2015 0The CW is rallying tons of press around their shows at the Television Critics Association right now. Enjoying the most...