Nintendo officially announces Pokémon Sun and Moon Versions Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 26, 2016 0In a move that has surprised precisely zero people, Nintendo has announced Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon versions in a short six-minute Pokémon Direct that aired this...
Pokémon Sun, Moon versions coming tomorrow? Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 25, 2016 0It all seems to be pretty locked down at this point. Nintendo announced that it is hosting a new Pokémon Direct...
Let’s Dream: What we want from Nintendo at E3 2016 Christopher Kalanderopoulos E3 2016 February 13, 2016 0Forget Let’s Play for a second and enter the world of Let’s Dream. Every few weeks from now until E3 2016, we’re...
Miitomo pre-registration starts February 17, app launches March Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 4, 2016 0In September, Nintendo outlined its plans for its first mobile title, Miitomo. The social network app is being developed by Japanese outfit...
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens announced Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 2, 2016 0Tt Games and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have taken to the web to announce LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The...
Why NPD figures don’t matter: the absence of digital Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming February 1, 2016 0Each month, the NPD Group, a market research company, release sales figures for games (among other products) on each platform....
68% Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Gaming January 27, 2016 0It may be tough to believe, but the Mario & Luigi series has been around for well over a decade. The series’...
70% Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition Review Brent Botsford Gaming January 5, 2016 1Mobile gaming might be seen as a den of low game quality, dishonest business practices, and a user base mostly consisting...
2015: The Year in Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment December 30, 2015 0This year has been an insane year for gaming, movies, and television. With a ton of amazing things to look back on, we...
Nintendo Direct Roundup: Super Smash Bros. Final Presentation Brent Botsford Gaming December 16, 2015 0It was an outstanding year of sublime post-launch support, but inevitably, we’re reaching the end of the line with new...