Meet the cast of Survivor: Caramoan Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 31, 2013 0With a new season of Survivor on its way, subtitled Caramoan, CBS has released a short video encouraging fans of the show to...
Flashpoint TV Series Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 19, 2013 0Flashpoint is a series that entered our hearts in 2008 and just recently ended its run with the finale of...
NHL GameCenter now active on Xbox LIVE Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 18, 2013 0Beginning today, NHL GameCenter launches on Xbox LIVE around the world! The service has a veritable ton of features just...
Suits is back January 17th Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 11, 2013 0One of our favourite television shows of all time, Suits, is back after its mid-season break! The hilarious and serious legal...
85th Oscar Nominees announced Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 10, 2013 0The nominees for the 85th Academy Awards have been announced!...
85th Academy Awards to honour James Bond Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 6, 2013 0A James Bond film has never won an Oscar in a major category such as Best Picture or Best Actor. However,...
HBO greenlights Silicon Valley comedy Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment January 4, 2013 0This one flew right under our nerd radar a few weeks ago....
Nintendo TVii Review Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment December 22, 2012 0Nintendo TVii is a service that big-N activated earlier in the week for Wii U. It takes your already very-functional...
Survivor heads to the Caramoan Islands with Fans vs. Favorites (Update) Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment December 17, 2012 0With the finale of Survivor: Philippines wrapped up, Jeff Probst teased us with the location of the next season of the...
Survivor: will it ever get boring? Christopher Kalanderopoulos Entertainment December 14, 2012 0In just a few days, we’ll see the latest Survivor winner crowned. This group of people journeyed to the Philippines to...