Undertale is headed to PS4 and Vita Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 13, 2017 0After almost two years of PC exclusivity, it’s been confirmed that Undertale — Toby Fox’s surprise indie hit — is...
Marvel’s Spider-Man PS4 shines at E3 2017 Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0Last year, the gaming community was collectively awed by the news that Insomniac was developing a Spider-Man game for PlayStation...
God of War is coming in early 2018 Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0As we all expected it would be, God of War was of the highlights of tonight’s event. Then again, when...
Surprise! Shadow of the Colossus is being remade or remastered for PlayStation 4 Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0Team ICO’s beloved Shadow of the Colossus, which happens to be a spiritual successor to ICO, itself, is headed to...
Here’s the multiplayer reveal trailer for Call of Duty: WWII Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0In fitting fashion, Sony and Activision decided to make their E3 partnership all about multiplayer. That is, when it came...
The Frozen Wilds expansion announced for Horizon: Zero Dawn; Coming in 2017 Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0Horizon: Zero Dawn is going to become bigger, badder and even more epic. When, exactly, is unknown, though. All we...
Knack 2 is real, folks Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0It may not have been a well liked launch title, but Knack apparently sold enough units to get a sequel....
Visit Hope County in this Far Cry 5 E3 walkthrough Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0In Far Cry 5‘s Hope County, players will discover a town gone awry, where a dangerous cult and its armed...
Transference is the trippy psychological horror game from Elijah Wood’s studio Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0Perhaps I’d been living under a proverbial rock, but I was unaware of the fact that Elijah Wood had started...
Take to America’s roads, skies & waterways in The Crew 2 Chad Goodmurphy E3 2017 June 12, 2017 0In 2018, The Crew 2 will expand its universe, by introducing boats and planes to its action-packed menagerie of vehicular...