Call of Duty: Ghosts poster leaked, launches November 5th

In the last few weeks, we’ve heard quite a few Call of Duty rumours. Today, it seems, marks a turning point as we begin to get actual marketing materials for the game being leaked to IGN.

The marketing material in question actually a GameStop-exclusive poster for the game, subtitled Ghosts, which also shows off the date of the game’s release: November 5th, 2013. This is a bit of an odd release date as a week later is 11-12-13, some interesting nomenclature that Activision usually likes when releasing a Call of Duty game.


There’s also this report of a Spanish retailer outing Wii U and PC versions of the game, though the release date is November 11th, a Monday, and atypical for a game release.

We guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens in the next few days as rumour also has it that the game will be unveiled in early-May, per Call of Duty tradition.

In other news from IGN, the company has launched their new next-gen Xbox channel, tentatively calling it Xbox 720. Check it out here.