Whenever Team Ninja announces a new game, people pay attention.
Well, they did that today with the help of Microsoft. Together, the two companies unveiled Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty during today’s showcase.
“Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows the dramatic, action-packed story of a nameless militia soldier fighting for survival in a dark fantasy version of the Later Han Dynasty where demons plague the Three Kingdoms.”
“Players fight off deadly creatures and enemy soldiers using swordplay based on the Chinese martial arts, attempting to overcome the odds by awakening the true power from within.”
The Xbox Wire had this to say about this new IP:
“A joint creation by Team NINJA producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) and Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne), Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows the dramatic, action-packed story of a nameless militia soldier fighting for survival in a dark fantasy version of the Later Han Dynasty where demons plague the Three Kingdoms. Players will fight off deadly creatures and enemy soldiers using swordplay based on the Chinese martial arts, attempting to overcome the odds by awakening the true power from within when Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty launches in early 2023.“
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is expected to be on Game Pass on the day of its release.