Psychological horror/action thriller, Past Cure, gets a release date

It’s very possible that you’ve yet to hear about Past Cure, which is in the works at Berlin, Germany’s Phantom 8 studio. If so, what you need to know is that the third-person indie game is inspired by Christopher Nolan’s film, Inception, and borrows its idea of meaningful, living dreams.

A tale in which dreams bleed into reality, and one is hard to distinguish from the other, Past Cure is a revenge story where “conspiracy runs deep.” As a former elite soldier, whose torturous past has led to the development of telekinetic powers, players must move throughout these two realities, all while trying to sort things out. It doesn’t help that the protagonist’s mental state is in decline, which ratchets up the tension and limits one’s time.

Past Cure, which received a short and unfortunately forgettable teaser trailer today, will be released on February 23rd. It’ll come to Xbox One, PS4 and PC bearing a $29.99 USD price tag.