American Rapture by CJ Leede Review

One of horror’s newest and brightest writers, CJ Leede was responsible for one of the best reads of 2023. That is, Maeve Fly, which ended up shocking me with both its content and quality. It was the most disturbing book I’d ever read, and stuck with me so much that I bought it twice digitally after originally borrowing it from the library. The book just happened to be part of a bundle.

This fall, the creative author returned with her sophomore effort, American Rapture. I was lucky enough to get a review copy but, due to personal issues, didn’t get reading through it all until recently. I wanted to provide a late review, though, to let you all know that this is another book worth reading. That is, if you’re ok with mature content, gore, and horror.

The deeply religious may want to pass on this one though.

American Rapture is the story of Sophie; a sixteen year old girl who’s been deeply sheltered for her entire life. Stuck in a small town in Wisconsin with her very devoutly Catholic parents, she misses a brother who was sent to a home for troubled youth after homosexual pornography was discovered in his room. Losing him has left her even more sheltered and alone, in a home where only the Bible and how to books are allowed.

As she goes about her day and attends a small religious school (after being homeschooled for most of her life), Sophie hears little about the flu pandemic that is threatening her country. She hears bits and pieces, but doesn’t know any particulars, like how many deaths it’s been responsible for, or how close it’s come. In fact, this particular pandemic has a unique characteristic: a specific strain has spun off from the main flu, and causes shocking effects. It makes people incredibly and unnaturally horny, to the point where they strip down and go at it right where they are. The men get a rash on their hands, and it’s all fatal.

Of course, this is incredibly shocking to a girl who knows nothing about sex and is amazed when she watches her fellow students at the girls only school interact with boys from nearby. That, as well as her burgeoning body, which is becoming alluring to the opposite sex. It’s all so new to her; more-so than the average person. As such, she’s an interesting character to see this unique pandemic through.

After something happens, Sophie finds herself alone and free for the first time in her life. The problem is she’s also in danger, and doesn’t know if her brother is safe and healthy.

This is a really visceral, violent, shocking and mature horror novel, so it won’t be for everyone. It’s not for the super religious, and may upset some with strong faith with its narrative and events. However, it’s a really good read for us mature horror fans, and is one of the best books released during 2024.

CJ Leede has hit another home run with American Rapture.

Like its predecessor, the story found within these pages is well written. It’s easy to follow, has depth and is written with skill.

If you’re looking for a standout horror novel to spend your holiday season with, or read at any time afterwards, don’t sleep on American Rapture by CJ Leede. It’s not only memorable and entertaining, but it’s well-crafted, relatively original and stands out. It certainly lived up to my hopes.

This review is based on a copy of the book that we were provided with.


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