Frostpunk 2 has had its release postponed

After a successful beta, the folks behind Frostpunk 2 have decided to give their game a bit more time. As a result, it’s been postponed until September 20th.

Here’s an excerpt from the Steam post by Design Director Jakub Stokalski and Art Director Lukasz Juszczyk:

“Based on the surveys we received after playing Beta, the average rating you gave us was 8 out of 10. We’re super grateful for that! At the same time, it was only a small slice of a work-in-progress, still-growing game. While our backlog is plentiful, it was an opportunity for us to listen to what you enjoyed, and what didn’t quite land yet”.

Further, it follows: “This allowed us to prioritise things better, and bring upfront the features and modifications we were already working on. But we also realised that to guarantee the best possible experience on launch, we need more time to finish the development of Frostpunk 2. That’s why we made the difficult decision to postpone its release to September 20th, 2024”.

The scope of new works includes new additions to the game mechanics, extensive UI & UX enhancement, a popular by-demand city feature the dev team calls Zoom Stories, and much more.