References to dodgeball and basketball found in Nintendo Switch Sports

Data miners are always on the lookout for tidbits of info that companies are perhaps not ready to reveal, and they’ve succeeded in pulling some new nuggets from the Nintendo Switch Sports game files.

The refreshed take on juggernaut Wii Sports is due out at the end of April and comes with six sports: volleyball, badminton, bowling, soccer, chambara (sword fighting), and tennis.

In addition to these, however, there are references to basketball and dodgeball in the game’s files.

It is possible that Nintendo is already planning for DLC for the title, or there will be small unlockable mini-games in the title.

The files were gathered during an online play test of the game that took place in the middle of February, which seems to have exposed a bit more detail than Nintendo would like.

Nintendo Switch Sports comes to, you guessed it, Nintendo Switch, on April 29.