Square Enix has shed new light on Life is Strange: True Colors

During Square Enix’s E3 2021 presser, musician MXMToon introduced a new look at Life is Strange: True Colors.

Described as being a ‘small town murder mystery,’ True Colors centres upon a teenager named Alex Chen. Using empathy, Ms. Chen can focus on brightly coloured auras to gain insight into people’s emotions, as she searches for answers regarding her brother’s death.

As one would expect given its description, moral choices will be an integral part of this game. That’s always been a trademark of its series, though.

When Alex comes upon a particularly strong aura, she can enter a nova, which is a mirrored image of that person’s psyche. There, she can explore and discover clues and information, which will help her solve not only their crises but her own. The consequences of these actions will then be felt throughout the game. Not only that, but they will alter things in Haven Springs, and shine more light on her past.

Life is Strange: True Colors will release in full on September 10th, 2021. It’s in the works for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Google Stadia and PC.