Inspired by both Burnout and Motorstorm, Onrush is a game that celebrates speed and vehicular mayhem, and does so with colourful, nitrous oxide accents. It’s coming from the racing vets at Codemasters, and will be published by the folks over at Koch Media.
A brand new IP, Codemasters’ latest is said to celebrate speed, while tasking players with filling up their RUSH meters. When this is done, they will then be able to unleash epic boosts, “death defying stunts” and badass takedowns, or so we’re told. Plus, all of this will be handled through a system that boasts eight different vehicular classes.
This morning, Onrush received a brand new trailer, which gives a better look at what we can expect when its digital wheels touch the ground. You can see it below this line of text.
Expect to be able to get your hands on a copy of this game when it releases on June 5th, with both a regular edition and a special edition (which contains additional vehicles, liveries and downloadable content) available for purchase. A beta is also planned for sometime this May.