Need for Speed: Payback ups the ante with new story trailer

Earlier today, Electronic Arts released a brand new trailer for Need for Speed: Payback, which ups the ante and goes all in on the game’s story mode. In doing so, it gives us another look at the three different drivers — Tyler the Racer, Mac the Showman and Jess the Wheelman — who we’ll get behind the wheel as and attempt to help. People who’ve been screwed over by and are looking for revenge against the House, which has used its influence to infiltrate the local casinos, criminal activity rings and police services.

Set in Fortune City, which is essentially Ghost Games’ take on Las Vegas and its surrounding areas, Need for Speed: Payback looks like it’ll pull out all the stops, and will do so in grandiose fashion like a Fast and the Furious movie. This trailer, alone, features lots of high stakes action, explosions and, of course, speed. What it also does is show us that the developers have opted to step away from the live action crap that made the last Need for Speed game so cheesy.

Need for Speed: Payback will hit its gas pedal and begin its revenge on November 10th.