Sony is going to have trouble following last year’s stellar performance. It’s going to be very difficult to come up with something that at least rivals the announcements the PlayStation crew made last year. Between The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4‘s gameplay demo, Shenmue III, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, there’s a lot to live up to. Sony has the benefit of being able to show off new Horizon: Zero Dawn gameplay, while giving the first real preview of PlayStation VR to their audience, in addition to what will likely be a new console with the PlayStation 4K. Even with new tech like a 4K-capable console, it’ll be hard to outpace the insane announcements of a unicorn like The Last Guardian and a pipe dream like FFVII Remake, but here’s hoping Sony is able to make incredible things happen.

Bethesda will have The Elder Scrolls VI at their press conference, but it won’t be out this year. This one is a firm might, but with any luck, Todd Howard will get on stage back-to-back years at the Bethesda Press Conference to announce yet another massive game in the works. Many don’t believe it’ll happen–we ourselves have gone back and forth on it–but keeping optimistic surrounding the arrival of E3 is pretty important in our books. Here’s hoping we get to see what The Elder Scrolls VI looks like, but we’ll settle for a quick announcement teaser, even if that’s not quite Bethesda’s style. Just imagine the insanity of E3 if somehow, a secret team has been working on The Elder Scrolls VI for a few years, has it almost polished and ready to go, and it gets announced and released later this year.
Rockstar will show up at E3 for the first time since 2001’s Grand Theft Auto III reveal. We have no way of knowing what the company will show off, but parent company Take Two Interactive has said that the studio will indeed be at E3 in a big way. In fact, the company has taken over EA’s space in the South Hall of the LA Convention Center, indicating they’ll have a hell of a lot to show off. With Rockstar’s recent announcement of Further Adventures in Finance and Felony in GTA Online, we don’t think the developer is going to show up to E3 just to announce another expansion pack for their hit game. We also don’t expect something small like Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis 2 or anything, so let’s hold out for that Red Dead Redemption sequel.