As much as Hollywood video game adaptations still have rather dubious reputations, they are increasing in number, with studios gradually pursuing them more aggressively in recent years. Among these video game-to-movie adaptations is Assassin’s Creed, which comes by way of 20th Century Fox and New Regency after many years of development, including one false start with Sony Pictures. This video game adaptation however will have a unique twist that hasn’t been present in any other video game-to-movie adaptation to date however!
Assassin’s Creed’s ‘head of content’, Aymar Azaiza, has confirmed that, not only will the movie’s star, Michael Fassbender be portraying both a present-day individual and historical assassin that wasn’t present in the games, within a time period that hasn’t yet been detailed in the games, but that the movie will actually take place in the same continuity and universe as the games, comics, novels, and everything else in the Assassin’s Creed franchise! This means that Ubisoft has officially given the green light to Fassbender’s character, Callum Lynch, and his identical ancestor, Aguilar, sharing a lineage with official game characters like Desmond Miles, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Altair, Edward Kenway, and all the rest!
Azaiza also teases that characters from the games could have parts in the movie. Obviously though, he declined to elaborate further.
As if that weren’t enough, the first official image of Fassbender in costume as assassin, Aguilar has been released by Fox and New Regency, via Yahoo. You can check it out below:
Assassin’s Creed also stars Marion Cotillard, and is being directed by recent Macbeth helmer, Justin Ferzel, ironically reuniting Fassbender and Cotillard right away, who star as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, respectively in Ferzel’s Shakespeare adaptation from this year. The movie follows Callum Lynch in the present day, as a revolutionary technology allows him to experience the genetic memories of his ancestor, Aguilar, a member of a secret society of assassins during the Spanish Inquisition, first-hand. After learning of Aguilar participating in a battle against the organization of Knights Templar that rages to this day, Callum begins to learn from and inherit the skills of his ancestor to continue the fight of the assassins.
Assassin’s Creed comes to theatres on December 21st, 2016. You can also enjoy the game series’ latest installment, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 23rd, and on PC on November 19th.
Keep recalling Eggplante for all news and updates on Assassin’s Creed.