UPDATE: Whoa there, says Shane Black! The initial report of his rebooting Predator is slightly inaccurate, as he is developing a sequel in the same continuity as the former movies, NOT a reboot! He will still write and direct however, and the rest of the claim is otherwise accurate.
Original story follows:
20th Century Fox has made a breaking surprise announcement today that cult sci-fi/horror hit, Predator is going to be rebooted!
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3 writer/director, Shane Black has been hired to realize the reboot in question as well. He will be both writing and directing the currently-untitled Predator reboot, which, predictably, is without a cast and release date at this point. It has been claimed however that the reboot will re-tell the events of the original 1987 Predator movie, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Avid Predator fans will no doubt be excited at Black masterminding the reboot, as he had a smaller part in the original 1987 movie many years ago, as Hawkins.
Predator involves a group of military soldiers deployed to South America being ruthlessly stalked and killed by an aggressive alien that has perfected the art of the hunt. The movie spawned a loose sequel, Predator 2 in 1990, another loose follow-up set on the Predators’ homeworld via 2010’s Predators, and has been twice crossed over with Fox’s sibling Alien franchise on film, in 2004’s Alien vs. Predator, and 2007’s Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Beforehand, the two franchises had already been blended in both comics and video games.
What do you hope to see from the Predator reboot? Do you think rebooting this beloved franchise is a good idea in the first place? As usual, feel free to leave your comments below.
We at Eggplante will be keeping a close eye on the Predator reboot, and will hunt your news and updates related to the project, as they surface.